Subjects Wikia

Courtney Summers is a student at Greenaway High School in Youtube's Subjects. Originally, in Season One, she is a student at Auwell Elementary School but due to her age, by the time of Season Two is at Greenaway instead. She is a member of Theodore Smith's team and works as their technical analyst.


Courtney is usually seen as the most happy and bubbly of the team. Even when things don't go her way or when she loses friends, she still manages to persevere. This has been a common trait of Courtney's since a very young age as shown with how she copes with her mum, Stella, being a severe drug addict. Most of the characters look at her fondly because of this.

Whilst a very young, eccentric kid, she is also hard-working and very bright for her age due to dealing with such adult situations at such a young age. She has grown up very quickly but has adapted well, always finding the fun in life.

Working with the team

At some point, most probably due to George, she was chosen by Theodore to join the team. By the beginning of Season One, she appears to have been in the team for a very long amount of time.

Season One

"Downwards Spiral"

Courtney first appears very late into the episode, talking to good friend Melissa about an unspecified subject. Courtney is called to report to the team and leaves Melissa. When she gets to her computer, she talks to the team, ranting and helps them identify the victim. She concludes that the victim is Shamil Joshi, a year seven student. After being told to severely narrow the search down, she manages to find out that the CSS is Malcolm Axel, allowing the team to find him and eventually kill him.


Courtney talks to the team whilst they are camping and after a ramble, reports to them about Tina Cress being missing from the trip and has sorted out the teachers from not finding out through her hacking skills, allowing the team to deal with it.

She later sees the state of Tina Cress' tent and finds it creepy. After finding out about Tina Cress, she manages to work out that she's written vampire along the tent to imitate her favourite comic character. Her call, however, is quickly interrupted after Theodore and Alexis hear a scream and follow it.

"What We Lost To Flames"

The episode begins with a scene of Courtney leaving for school and saying bye to her mum, Stella. A flashback then shows that she has to deal with Stella being a drug addict and has had to from a young age. When she arrives at school, Melissa comes to her. After asking Courtney where she always goes off to, Courtney says she has to go once again due to a call from the team. Courtney, without revealing why, says she'll be back later and runs away.

Courtney is seen with the team for the first time in this episode as she is tackling the arson case along with them. It is assumed the Governors snuck her in to Greenaway. Courtney seems awkward in the Crime Scene Room at first but soon receives a call, which angers Theodore. The call reveals that a mysterious CSS is keeping Melissa hostage, which scares Courtney intensely.

At Alexis' house, Courtney is even further intimidated when she realises she can't use her hacking skills to take the CSS on due to extreme firewalls. Alexis assures her that everything will be fine. Alexis later talks through the case with Theodore over the phone and Courtney hopes they've got further. Later, George talks to them, specifically asking Courtney if Melissa had a preference for Fruit Shoot. This revelation helps the team to realise Tina is the CSS they were looking for, after being seen with the drink at the cafe.

The next time Courtney is seen is considerably later as she finds out Melissa has died. George enters on a saddened Courtney and helps comfort her, without even saying a word.
